RAD PDF supports running on Microsoft Azure, but how you are using Azure may require some changes.
Virtual Machines (Cloud Services)
No changes are needed! RAD PDF runs on a virtual machine just like it runs on real hardware. Please follow our standard installation instructions and let us know if you have any problems.
We don't have any "best practices" specific to Azure, but if you are deploying your instances using a script, our installer is an EXE which simply wraps an MSI file. You can call the EXE just as you would msiexec.exe, see:
If you prefer to use your own scripts, you can learn how to deploy RAD PDF without the installer.
App Services (Web Services / Websites)
When using RAD PDF on App Services, two changes need to be made:
(1) The appropriate RadPdfD.dll needs to be copied into your project's /bin/ directory. RAD PDF includes versions for use on both x86 and x64 platforms. Use the one that corresponds with your App Service configuration (x86 is default). Learn where these files are located after a RAD PDF installation.
(2) If using it, the RAD PDF System Service needs to be accessible from the Web Service. Until Microsoft allows NetNamedPipeBinding or NetTcpBinding hosts in Web Jobs, App Services can not support running the RAD PDF System Service directly. Instead, a Virtual Machine (see above) should be setup with RAD PDF installed on it. This allows you to keep all web application logic in your Web Service while using the RAD PDF System Service as a background service. Then, configure the Web Service's PdfIntegrationProvider (or web.config for older installations) so that the ServiceHost points to this Virtual Machine.
NOTE: Requirement (2) can be avoided by using UseService=false. Using this option allows the HttpHandler to render the needed resources instead of the System Service. Please see the documentation.
We recommend that the Web Service and RAD PDF System Service communicate using a VLAN / VNet. This will result in both increased security and reduced bandwidth costs.
Remember to open the TCP port being used by the RAD PDF System Service (18104 by default) in both the Windows Firewall as well as the Azure Network Security Group (NSG).
If you are not using a Windows domain controller, you can configure the RAD PDF System Service to disable authentication and encryption. Please contact Red Software for assistance.
NOTE: You will need a license for both the Web Service instance and the Virtual Machine running the Service.